Product news
Dear customers, dear interested parties,
we are pleased to finally present our new products for consulting and integrated veterinary herd management.
Dear customers, dear interested parties,
we are pleased to finally present our new products for consulting and integrated veterinary herd management.
Dear business partners,
Herewith we would like to announce a personnel change in the management of the companies Data Service Paretz GmbH, dsp-Agrosoft GmbH and VIT PC-Software GmbH:
Dear business partners and customers,
We would like to inform you that Dr. Werner Feucker has resigned as executive director of Data Service Paretz GmbH and dsp-Agrosoft GmbH on 31.12.2019. We thank him for his successful work over many years and wish him all the best.
As his successor, Dirk Leuschke was appointed as executive director …