
Dear business partners,

Herewith we would like to announce a personnel change in the management of the companies Data Service Paretz GmbH, dsp-Agrosoft GmbH and VIT PC-Software GmbH:

PhD Theresa Rumphorst was appointed as a new member of the management board of the aforementioned companies as of January 1, 2022. PhD Rumphorst is primarily responsible for the Software Development department and will continue to manage the business in the proven and confidential manner.

On the aforementioned date, Mr. Jürgen Imker retired from the services of VIT PC-Software GmbH as a member of the Management Board. We thank Jürgen Imker for his many years of successful work and wish him all the best for the future. Mr. Imker will remain with Data Service Paretz GmbH and dsp-Agrosoft GmbH as a member of the management board.

The management