HIT comparison
This analysis is an integral part of the basic HERDEplus program and provides valuable support in reconciling the animal population between the HI animal and the current animal population in HERDEplus. You have the option of performing a comparison over a freely selectable period of time or only on the specified key date.
This function allows you to ensure that the animal data in HERDEplus is always up-to-date and correct. Any discrepancies or discrepancies between the two inventories will be clearly visible, allowing you to identify them immediately and take appropriate action.
Another valuable feature of HERDEplus is to display open operations in the system. This includes, for example, missing or incomplete information that still needs to be completed to avoid potential cross compliance violations. This early warning allows you to react in time and make necessary corrections to ensure proper documentation.
Overall, HERDEplus provides an efficient way to monitor livestock, perform data reconciliation, and detect potential problems early with this module. This not only ensures error-free documentation, but also allows you to run your business smoothly and in compliance with legal requirements.